Produkty dla węgiel pręglowy (2)

Węgiel do grilla, Węgiel drzewny, Naturalny węgiel do BBQ

Węgiel do grilla, Węgiel drzewny, Naturalny węgiel do BBQ

Grillkohle ist die deutsche Bezeichnung für Holzkohle, die speziell für das Gril - HARDWOOD CHARCOAL Shape : Moisture content : max 5% Ash content : max 3% Volatile matter content : max 22% Fixed carbon content : min 70% Calorific value : min 6850 Kcal/kg. Size : length 5-10cm Burning time : 3 – 4 hours Production Capacity: 1000 MT/ Month Bieten Sie hochwertige reine Holzkohle, BBQ-Holzkohle, mit langer Verbrennungs zeit, hoher Hitze und niedrigem Rauch. Anpassbare Verpackungen sind möglich. 1. Niedrige Asche 2. Hoher Heizwert 3. Lange brennende Zeit 4. nicht giftig, keine Chemikalie Spezifikation der maschinell hergestellten Holzkohle: 1. Brennwert: 7500-7800kcal 2. Asche gehalt: <3, 5-3, 8% 3. örtlich festgelegter Kohlenstoff:≥ 90% 4. Feuchtigkeit: <8% 5. lang> 4cm. BBQ Holzkohle Spezifikation
Pellet drzewny - DIN PREMIUM

Pellet drzewny - DIN PREMIUM

DIN PREMIUM pellets are white pellets. Why we seperate DIN PREMIUM from DIN white ? Because our customers seperate them even there is no such clasiffication in the scientific research. White pellet (PREMIUM) demand is really huge, however, there is not available such a lot white (PREMIUM) pellets in the market. Even DIN white = DIN PREMIUM , the ONLY difference is the collor ! Everyone should understand that. Within last 2 + years more and more clients understand that and there will be time when DIN white will be hard to get as it is with DIN PREMIUM . As market for pellets grows exponential the same is with demand. That why DIN PREMIUM are not so easy to get for good price ! DIN white is for domestic use. And don`t forget – It is NOT a collor, it is how much heat You get.. !